how are yeww??

umm heyy:)i guess your name is lovisa??:)
uhmm how are yeww??
actually i dont really know how to start but im gonna try..
i memorised your pictures by the way..hehe..
you look soo cute,so innocent,so beautiful,so different,so sinless...
i could write many adjestives for my life,i did always put the girls into 2 categories-yeah you might find that silly but thats true:)..there are the girls who you can only have fun,and there are the girls who you can only get married..but you know what? you are the first one i could put into both categories:D but i'll never categorise you..yeah,i know its been a really long message..sorry about that..ok i'll finish..
and if you want,we can talk..but if you dont like me,umm its love to talk to you:)take care..
please write to me..:)

1. "actually i dont really know how to start but im gonna try.."
Nej snälla gör inte det!
2. "you look soo cute,so innocent,so beautiful,so different,so sinless..."
3. ",i did always put the girls into 2 categories"
 Varför då?
4. "there are the girls who you can only have fun,and there are the girls who you can only get married."
Det har han tråkigt nog rätt i.
5. "you are the first one i could put into both categories:D"
Tråkigt för honom att jag är den första..

Men tack för underhållningen, har inte skrattat så mycket på flera år!

Postat av: Jen

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JAG DÖR!!!! AHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA!! Jag tänkte klistra in detta "you are the first one i could put into both categories:D but i'll never categorise you..yeah,i know its been a really long message..sorry about that..ok i'll finish.." och säga att det va bäst, men nej, hela meddelandet var lika fucking roligt! Jösses! Kan du inte skriva tillbaka så du får fler såna meddelanden? xD JAG DÖR på att det finns såna killar!

2009-11-21 @ 22:48:25

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